Meets on School Campus
Club takes place before school instructional times and lasts less than 25 minutes from start to finish. The clubs operate with administration approval and each kid is able to attend through parent permission. We respect the role of our nations laws, schools, administration, and teachers. One of our goals is to be a blessing to our schools by encouraging students to value others and treat them with the love Jesus taught them to.
We take the opportunity to minister to these kids very seriously. That is why we certify, train and equip the people who care about these kids for than anybody else in the world... Their parents. For a fatherless generation, there is no greater messenger of Truth than a loving parent looking into a kid's eye and telling them the Truth.

We're committed to equipping students being put in positions of leadership. When we pray, a student does it. When we read from the Bible, a student does it. Every week a student shares the Gospel, most of them for the first time. We truly believe the most effective minister to a kid is another kid.
Our measure of success is not excitement or entertainment. Students will engage Truth in the way their creator designed it, through the person of Jesus. Every time we raise our expectation of these amazing kids, they meet and exceed them. We often ask the students, What is the only thing we talk about? They answer, "What Jesus said!".